Faculty Development Academy: Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity Educators

  • Mon, July 08, 2024
  • 8:00 AM
  • Fri, July 12, 2024
  • 12:00 PM


  • Registration
  • Waitlist registration - based on availability

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Faculty Development Academy:

Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity Educators

Virtual | July 8 -12, 2024
8AM - 12PM Pacific / 9AM - 1PM Mountain / 10AM - 2PM Central / 11AM - 3PM Eastern

Who Should Attend: 

This workshop is funded and tailored specifically for community and technical college faculty members wishing to expand their knowledge, earn an industry certification, and strengthen their ability to incorporate new cybersecurity content in their community college curriculum. This workshop is not intended for students or other non-faculty participants.

About the Workshop: 

This workshop is specifically designed for community college faculty who want to integrate AI and AI technologies into their existing network security and information technology programs. As modern organizations increasingly grapple with AI and cybersecurity threats, this workshop provides an essential understanding of how AI is revolutionizing the field of cybersecurity. Participants will delve into a comprehensive exploration of the current state of Artificial Intelligence and its expanding role in cybersecurity engagements, offering insights into the latest advancements and challenges in the domain.

The workshop's curriculum is designed to provide an in-depth look at the practical applications of AI in cybersecurity. Faculty members will engage in detailed discussions and hands-on activities focusing on the use of machine learning in detecting and responding to cyber threats, highlighting how these technologies can enhance traditional security measures. The program will also cover critical topics such as the deployment of AI in threat hunting and incident response, demonstrating the ways AI can improve efficiency and effectiveness in identifying and mitigating cyber risks. Furthermore, the workshop will address the darker aspects of AI in cybersecurity, including adversarial attacks using AI and the creation and detection of Deep Fakes, particularly in the context of social engineering.

This workshop will also explore the role of AI in compliance and cybersecurity risk management, where AI-driven analytics can significantly contribute to organizational security posture. The faculty will also discuss practical considerations and ethical dilemmas posed by AI in cybersecurity, preparing them to navigate the complexities of integrating AI into their teaching curricula. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped not only with a thorough understanding of AI's impact on cybersecurity but also with the knowledge and tools to effectively teach these concepts, preparing the next generation of IT professionals to face the evolving cyber landscape.


    Eligible community college faculty will receive up to a $500 stipend upon successfully completing the academy.

    To be eligible for the stipends, you must:

    • Currently teach college credit courses (full-time or adjunct) at a regionally accredited U.S. community or technical college
    • Attend all sessions and complete the required assignments/projects
    • Provide a current W9 tax form to the NCyTE Center
    • Participation stipends will be prioritized to individuals that have not received NCyTE support in the past year


    Mike Qaissaunee, Professor-Engineering & Technology at Brookdale Community College will lead the workshop.

      This event is funded by the Microsoft Accelerating Community College Cybersecurity Excellence (ACCCE) grant awarded to Whatcom Community College (Grant No. 2021080009)